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Spooky Halloween book series

All The Dead Are Here - Pete Bevan's zombie tales collection

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WARNING: Stories on this site may contain mature language and situations, and may be inappropriate for readers under the age of 18.

A NEW BOOK from one of our own
July 15, 2015  Announcements   

Long-time contributor Justin Dunne has just published a collection of zombie fiction entitled TALES OF THE NOTHING MAN. You can pick it up on Kindle today.

Congratulations Justin! Lead them to victory.

-ed. Ryan


  1. Congratulations Justin. I always thought that the Nothing Man had some strong legs. The very best of luck to you with your sales. I’ll be downloading it tonight.

    Comment by KevinF on July 16, 2015 @ 3:18 am

  2. Thanks Kevin. Because of this site, the editors and readers, The Nothing Man was given legs. TOWWZ does get a mention in the books acknowledgments, but not everybody here is going to buy it, so, thanks everybody that read and commented on any of The Nothing Man stories. And keep reading the stories on here, keep writing.

    How does it go?

    Lead them to victory…

    Comment by Justin Dunne on July 18, 2015 @ 9:33 am

  3. Congratulation Justin, always did like that series.

    Comment by Pete Bevan on July 27, 2015 @ 3:42 pm

  4. Series would have died if not for your advice, Pete. Thank you very much for that.

    Comment by Justin Dunne on July 27, 2015 @ 5:25 pm

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