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Spooky Halloween book series

All The Dead Are Here - Pete Bevan's zombie tales collection

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WARNING: Stories on this site may contain mature language and situations, and may be inappropriate for readers under the age of 18.

November 21, 2011  Announcements   

So after much hand-wringing and an ill-timed work trip on your main editor’s part, we announce the contest winners for the second half of 2011, a scant 20 days late. We’ll try to do better next time. And an emphatic THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all the authors and readers over the past months – it’s been a great batch of submissions, and we’re always loathe to rate them in any way.

1st place: Apocalypse and Andy, by T.J. McFadden

Runner up: …The One-Eyed Man is King by MadHarlequin

Congratulations to both. T.J.’s recognition is long overdue, and MadHarlequin’s tale was hell of a first story submission. We’re grateful to the two of you for your talents.

November 15, 2011  Announcements   

Pete Bevan’s collection of stories is now available in paperback form – ordering info for all formats on the original post.

October 26, 2011  Announcements   

We here at TotZW are considering publishing an ink-and-paper tome collecting some of the best work on the site. Please vote for your favorite story or poem on Tales of the Zombie War in the comments on this post, or on our Facebook poll.



ALL THE DEAD ARE HERE, a collection by Pete Bevan
October 24, 2011  Announcements   Tags:   


It is with great pleasure I can announce that “All the Dead are Here” is now available in paperback, as well as eBook versions. The paperback version, which now contains an introduction not in the eBook version is available here:


From our good friend Mr. Pete Bevan:
“It is with great pleasure I can announce that my collected works of Zombie fiction, entitled “All The Dead Are Here” is now available at Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com for the Kindle Reader App. This means they can be read on the Kindle, Smartphone, PC, iPhone or Mac (through Kindle Cloud Reader) for a price of around $5 or $3.50.

All The Dead Are Here – Amazon.co.uk
All The Dead Are Here – Amazon.com

This book contains 9 stories from TOWWZ that have been professionally edited and, in some cases rewritten. Then there are an additional 8 previously unpublished works in this collection that represents all of Pete Bevan’s Zombie fiction in one spine chilling tome of 85,000 words. The collection also contains all three (Three? Or four?) parts of his acclaimed ‘Minister’ series.

I sincerely hope you treat yourself to a bit of a Zombie this Halloween, and I would only ask that you leave a review on Amazon.

Due to the subject matter and language used this book is not recommended for the under 18’s. Not unless they’ve been really bad.

Islands – Competition winning story of a lone shop owner trapped in a city of the Undead, his salvation coming from an unexpected source.
The Minister – Years after the Apocalypse a band of survivors meet the strangest man of God.
Kernow – Take care when holidaying in Cornwall after the Zombie Apocalypse.
The Beating of 10,000 wings – An old man makes his final peace in a scarred land.
Cadish – An strange alien with the best intentions makes a hideous mistake.
The Minister Verse 2 – Government forces hunt for a strange priest not realising his true power.
The Isle of the Ungodly Dead – A Victorian reporter from the Times finds a tropical hell.
These things always happen to me on a Tuesday – The Zombie Apocalypse is not always as it seems.
Leaving Liminality – A survivor reminisces on what he has become.
The Boy – A traffic jam at the wrong place and time changes a boys fate forever.
Koyashis Button – A man employed for his lack of empathy has to make a fateful decision.
Zom – bee – The last man to sleep has to become fear itself as he drives across a nightmare world.
The Madman, The Tower, and The devil – A US General gets a visitation from the old adversary.
Angels with Dirty Faces – A father is faced with his darkest decision.
The Minister Verse 3: Resurrection – The final epic showdown of the Minister triptych
Quantum Practice – The last scientist uses a hat stand of non-linear time to prevent the Apocalypse.
The Tellers Apprentice – A lone traveller seeks to pass on the lost knowledge, but who is this traveller?”

So consider getting yourself or a friend this collection of fine stories for Halloween. Several of these are featured on our site, but many are exclusive to Pete’s collection.


October 20, 2011  Announcements   

Hello all,

Thought we’d add a few Halloween treats for you ghoul destroyers. It being that time again, here’s an embed of your editor’s long-past days as a college radio disc jockey. Music in this show runs the gamut from Tom Waits to Meat Beat Manifesto to Alabama 3 to Johnny Cash. Take it for what it’s worth – it’ll only be on here for a short time.

June 10, 2011  Announcements   

Announcing the embarrassingly late contest winners for the first prize period of 2011:

1st Place: NEEDS by Jeffrey DeRego

Runner up: LOST AND FOUND by Barrett Shumaker

A thousand thanks to our contributors and readers.

Lead them to victory.

April 1, 2011  Announcements   

Hello all,

Your editors are once again running a bit behind on reviewing stories for publication and for the contest. So give us your patience, and we will give you more posts. Like this next one from Jeffrey DeRego.


January 19, 2011  Announcements   

Max Brooks (author of World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide) has just published a new short story online at The Daily Beast. Read The Extinction Parade.

November 17, 2010  Announcements   

Zombie writers and readers,

After numerous requests we have finally created an official Facebook page for the site. We’ll use it to post updates when new stories are available, as well as interesting links. It will also be another forum for discussion about general (non-specific-story-related) topics on the zombie apocalypse. So give us a “like” and we’ll see how this experiment goes.


October 22, 2010  Announcements   

Readers and writers,

Just wanted to give another thanks to the support we’ve seen over these past nearly-four-years. Our readership is up to levels we never really believed possible when this project started in March of 2007. We thought it might be fun to share some of the current statistics with regards to the top-viewed stories on the site. Our current all-time top five, preceded by their number of viewers: (more…)

October 20, 2010  Announcements   

Announcing the contest winners for the second prize period of 2010:

1st Place: REVENGE by Nick Lloyd

Runner up: THE POWER OF PRAYER by Kevin Fortune

Again we are indebted to our contributors and readers. Choosing the prize winners is excruciatingly difficult. Our thanks to you all.

Lead them to victory.

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